Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Top 5 Android Apps for Business

The open source platform, Android, has taken the Smartphone market by storm becoming the leading operating system. More so, the number of people using android Smartphones continues to increase dramatically as they aim to take advantage of the numerous apps developed for the platform. The over half a million applications available nonetheless, can pose a daunting task to anybody trying to choose just a few essential ones. The aim of this article is to help business folks out there identify the cream of business applications for android without having to look any further. They include;
Document To Go: Few will argue that any business user needs to be able to check mail attachments in any document format on-the-go. This is the reason why this app needs to be your first choice. The app is not free from the Google Play Store but it’s a worthy price to pay considering it offers support for all Microsoft office files such as PowerPoint presentations, word documents and PDFs. Besides, viewing such documents, you also get the privilege of editing then conveniently on the phone.
Cam Card: Business people meet many different prospects at conferences and other events where cards change hands. These cards may become a heavy burden to the wallet and this is where Cam Card comes to the rescue. The app scans images of business cards and stores the information in the contacts directory saving you precious time. Its performance is not perfect but at least close to perfection.
Evernote: This is an application that is aimed at providing you the chance to let your Smartphone be your note pad. Whenever you get any ideas, the best thing to do is put them down before they vanish and that is where evernote makes its mark. It offers support for pictures, audio and text with plenty of space to store online and share with others.
Dropbox: storage is quickly moving to the cloud, meaning that the ultimate solution to backup files and data it through online storage. This gives you the flexibility of accessing your files wherever you are without having to carry any physical devices other than you android Smartphone. Dropbox allows for convenient and secure storage with easy sharing online hence very handy for business people.
Juice defender: all the mentioned apps will only be usable while your phone is on and therefore your battery will determine your productivity. For this reason, there is no doubt that you need you battery to last as much as possible. Juice defender is an application that allows for customization of mobile use so that the juice in your phone’s battery is used effectively. The app lets you control battery draining applications and cell radios to suit your needs and switches them off when not being used thus providing a massive boost to your phone battery.

These five applications combined can make your Smartphone become the ultimate replacement to all other bulky gadgets you may be used to carrying. This way, you will be able to enjoy your business life without limitations.